Book Evisceration and Re-Creation

I was asked to make an empty book for journal writing recently.  I achieve this by slicing up a used book and re-filling the cover with some strudy writing paper. 

I have not done one of these for several years so I went hunting through some of my old sketchbooks to find the instructions. It did not turn out half bad for my being a little rusty.  A big thanks to my friend Grady for building me a vice and harness for the gluing process. 

Ode to Kelly...

I made a little video for Kelly's baptism this weekend.
There is a picture at 2:00 of Kelly as she is falling over out of a metal basin. We never could figure out how that happened or how we were able to get a picture of it, but it is both funny and super sad at the same time.

Where's Your Ark?

Real mature auto ins marketing guy, reeeeaaaaal original.  I have been getting crap like this since grade school.